प्रत्यायनकर्ता संप्रभु - pratyayanakarta sanprabhu meaning in hindi

अँग्रेज़ी अर्थ उदाहरण
Suggested :
छोटे से छोटे minimal
It is landlocked with few natural resources and minimal industry.
अधिक से अधिक at the most
This means at the most that Peter could not have authored both
चष्षि eyes
Color blindness is not the swapping of colors in the observer's eyes
अन्यक second
Spain is the second biggest foreign investor there, after the United States.
ट्रिलियन trillion
Texas had a gross state product of $1.09 trillion
pratyayanakarta sanprabhu अक्षरों की संख्या: 22 व्यंजन मात्रासहित । Transliterate in english : pratyaayanakartaa sa.nprabhu
Related spellings : pratyaayanakarta sanprabhu,pratyayanakarta sanprabhu

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